Wednesday, 24 October 2007

What is this blog all about?

At the Enfys Acumen,we try our very best to be a responsible business and believe all businesses and organisations have the social duties to:

  • Treat employees fairly, equitably and with respect
  • Protect the environment for future generations
  • Manage the impacts on society and the environment of business operations, products or services and through interaction with key stakeholders such as employees, customers, investors, communities and suppliers.
  • Being a responsible neighbour by understanding the local environment and adapting to local needs
  • Observing basic human rights
How do we we do this?
  • We strive to be socially responsible in our own daily business practices
  • We raise social responsibility issues in our development work with businesses and organisations
As one example of how we try to live up to these principles, we put aside every month, up to two days for pro bono organisational development and coaching support for charities that could not otherwise afford our professional fees.

Why have we offered pro bono support to small charities?

One of the central
values behind our work at the Enfys Acumen is a commitment to the concept of giftedness. By this we recognise that no matter what kind of background, level of experience or skills people possess, we all have gifts we can use to benefit others.

One of the ways people can demonstrate their gifts is through community action, volunteering time for the benefit of our community, whether that community is geographically defined or a community of interest or need. We sometimes hear this referred to as active citizenship.

If we could we would dearly like to be able to freely support community action all of the time. Working with volunteers and community organisations can give a great buzz. Unfortunately we all have to make a living, we are already committed to regular voluntary commitments and we know from experience, that doing work for free isn’t always valued or appreciated as much as work that has been paid for.

We also know from experience that there are many voluntary and community organisations out there that would truly benefit from the kind of support provided by the Enfys Acumen, but simply do not have the resources at the present to pay us a fee.

We also know that good quality support for voluntary and community organisations can be a postcode lottery. This is unfair and a barrier to lots of people being able to use their gifts for the benefit of others.

So we have stated some very clear criteria that a charity must meet to qualify this support.

More details about our offer of pro bono support for community action can be found at our website

This initiative has proved very satisfying both for us at the Enfys Acumen and the for the charities that have received our support.

This blog chronicles an example of our pro bono organisational development and coaching support for one charity.

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