Regular readers of the Enfys Acumen eBriefs and blog posts will be familiar with our commitment to social responsibility and the initiative that has led to our work with Aid for Orphans and the Disabled (AFOD) in The Gambia.
We don't just see social responsibility as a good thing to do, but it really is part of our overall understanding of the kind of business and organisation we want to be and the quality life we want to live. We also try to encourage other organisations, businesses and people to become more socially responsible.
Earlier this year I read a book called "Success built to last - creating a life that matter" written by Jerry Porras and others. The authors interviewed over 200 people: some famous, some were not, they weren't geniuses or magicians, just ordinary human beings like you and I, but they all had one thing in common. All of the people they interviewed shared powerful patterns of lifelong success, patterns of thought, patterns we can all learn and deliberately weave into our own lives.
They found that every single successful person they interviewed had three things in common: an individually defined meaning; a creative thought-style and a
In developing the Enfys Acumen and coaching people in the develop of their organisations, businesses and lives, these three factors form the cornerstone of our own work. A commitment to social responsibility is a demonstration of the meaning behind the Enfys Acumen, our though patterns and particularly our behaviour.
We also encourage other people to develop the meaning behind what they do, how they think and their actions.
Taking on this project to support the development of AFOD in The Gambia is very much part of this ethos, both for our own success and the success of my new friend Lamin Fofanah, the Chief Executive of AFOD and his team of members and volunteers.
Our work in The Gambia has been supported by a host of special people who provided cash sponsorship, help raise funds, provide advice and donated gifts and needed equipment to support our work.
We are especially indebted to the representatives of the following:
Fellow coaches
Members of BNI Quinell Chapter
Members of 4Networking
St John’s Youth Group
Members of the Voice if
Friends and Family